
Become a distribution partner

Only those who are truly convinced by products should sell them. With this motto, we successfully founded empine and help many people every day.  Maybe you are the next one. We look forward to meeting you!

Who is a Distribution Partnership Suitable For?

A sales partnership with empine is open to anyone interested in becoming part of an innovative team. Whether you already have sales experience or are new to the field. The time commitment is completely flexible – you decide how much time you want to invest. Of course, the principle also applies here: More effort leads to more success!

In many cases, the products are suitable to help you work more successfully with your clients. A partnership with us is particularly promising for people from the following four areas:

▶ You work in the health, beauty, or sports sector. Exogenous ketones have a very positive direct impact on the human body by supporting energy metabolism, improving well-being, and contributing to overall performance. By integrating our high-quality ketones into your offerings, you can provide your clients with added value and optimally complement your professional services.

▶ You work as a personal coach. As a personal coach, whether in the sports field, business coaching, or mental coaching, your main goal is to support your clients in their transformation processes. Exogenous ketones can play a crucial role in this. They supply the body with the necessary energy to muster the strength needed to implement planned changes. In the sports context, these ketones directly support muscle building and improve endurance. This makes them a valuable tool in your coaching arsenal, allowing you to effectively guide your clients on their path to achieving their goals.

▶ You are an influencer. As an influencer, you have the unique opportunity to introduce your followers to new and innovative products. Exogenous ketones are such a product that many are not yet familiar with, and whose benefits and effects can spark great interest. You can explain in detail in your posts how ketones work and what positive effects they have on the body. Regardless of the size of your follower community, every reach is valuable and attractive because the interest in health and well-being is universal. Moreover, the diverse effects of ketones can be perfectly integrated into many topics, whether it's health, fitness, nutrition, or lifestyle, making them an ideal topic for your content.

▶ You enjoy sales work and want to build your own business. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and are willing to invest energy in building your own business, you are in the right place with us. We offer you the necessary support to be successful. Prüvit's exogenous ketones are an outstanding product with convincing effects that stand out in the market due to their effectiveness. Additionally, there is no serious competition in this area, giving you a significant advantage as a sales partner and making the marketing of our products particularly attractive.

Your Benefits

✓ Flexibility. Adjust your working hours to your personal needs and enjoy the freedom to work from anywhere. Whether from home, while traveling, or from your favorite café – you decide where and when you work. This flexibility allows you to optimally balance work and private life and to respond to unexpected life events without your professional activity suffering.

✓ Independence. With us, you are your own boss. You decide how much time and energy you want to invest. You have control over your workload and your goals. This independence not only promotes your personal and professional development but also allows you to shape your career according to your ideas.

✓ You earn from repeat sales. Take advantage of the opportunity to build passive income while also benefiting from discounted prices on our high-quality ketones. Every customer you recruit who makes repeat purchases ensures that you continue to receive commissions without additional effort.

✓ Low startup costs. With minimal financial investment, you can start immediately and become part of our dynamic community. These low startup costs make it easier to start your own business without the risk of high initial investments.

✓ No obligations. As a sales partner, you do not have any obligations regarding sales volume. You have the freedom to run your business at your own pace without pressure or having to meet minimum sales figures.

✓ Support and training. Exchange ideas with friendly colleagues and benefit from our extensive knowledge in online and offline marketing to maximize your success. Our team is here to support you, offering regular training and resources to help you improve your sales skills and grow your business.

✓ Social contribution. Help others improve their quality of life through a healthier lifestyle and experience for yourself how rewarding it can be. As an empine sales partner, you actively contribute to the well-being and health of your customers, which can bring deep personal fulfillment.

Overview of the Commission Model

As a partner, you operate directly under Prüvit, while we, empine, are your mentors and supporters in this process. The compensation system used by Prüvit is quite complex, as it aims to accurately reflect the true value of your efforts.

Each product in our range is assigned points that determine its exact value. Compensation is calculated by Prüvit based on these points, which is a fair and transparent method to measure and reward your success.

In general, compensation can also be linked to sales. For new sales, Prüvit pays about 25% of the sales value, while repeat sales bring in about 12%. Additionally, you receive around 3% of the sales made by sales partners under you.

If you reach sales of approximately €40,000 per month – including the sales of your sales partners under you – Prüvit will provide you with a vehicle of your choice worth around €80,000 free of charge.

There are many other details and bonuses in the compensation system that we do not want to go into here. For a detailed breakdown of the exact values and conditions, we recommend viewing Prüvit's official compensation plan:

Please note: The numbers mentioned here are only guidelines and may vary. The exact value of your compensation depends on the specific details of the compensation plan.

Recruiting Sales Partners Yourself

If you wish, you have the opportunity to recruit sales partners yourself. Especially if you have colleagues, customers, or acquaintances who are also interested in distributing Prüvit's products.

By recruiting new sales partners, you can not only expand your business but also directly benefit from their sales. Every sales partner you successfully recruit contributes to your sales and thus increases your commissions. This creates an additional source of income and allows you to build a stable and growing business network.

We support you with all the necessary materials and training to ensure that you and your recruited partners can be successful. This includes both marketing support and special training on products and sales strategies.

Countries in Which You Can Sell

As a sales partner with us, you are not limited to the German-speaking area, but have the opportunity to sell the products worldwide. This opens up enormous potential for your business and allows you to operate in international markets and significantly expand your customer base.

Specifically, you can operate in the following countries:




This broad geographical coverage gives you the freedom to shape your business activities according to your preferences and respond to the needs of a diverse customer spectrum.

Register as a Sales Partner

Registering as a sales partner with us is simple and straightforward. We want to make it as easy as possible for you to join our team and start your activities quickly.

Simply follow the link below to begin the registration process. You will be guided through the necessary steps to enter your information and provide all the required details. Once registration is complete, you can start selling our products immediately and benefit from the many advantages of partnering with us.

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The empine team would like to answer all your questions

Ketogenic nutrition, ketosis and exogenous ketones are a complex and extensive subject area. We at empine would like to support you in ensuring that all your questions are answered comprehensibly and comprehensively. Therefore, in this section, in addition to the previous content, you will find frequently asked questions specifically on the topic of this page. If you do not find the answers here or do not find them detailed enough, you are welcome to send your question directly to us or contact us directly.

What are exogenous ketones and how do they promote health?

Exogenous ketones are dietary supplements that increase the body's natural ketone levels. They can therefore contribute to weight loss, improved cognitive functions and increased energy. Due to their metabolism-regulating and inflammation-reducing effect, Prüvit's exogenous ketones are used as an adjuvant therapy for various diseases.
How quickly do exogenous ketones work?
In general, the effect varies from patient to patient. However, some effects often appear very early on, such as more energy and greater mental clarity. Sustainable weight loss, metabolic changes and the reduction of silent inflammation, on the other hand, take considerably longer. Initial successes can be seen after around 3 months. Comprehensive therapy usually takes 6-12 months.
How should exogenous ketones be taken?

The ketones are supplied in the form of a powder. This is then dissolved in half a liter to a liter of water and drunk. It is important to take one or two rations a day at regular intervals.

Do exogenous ketones have side effects?
As it is not a drug, there are no side effects in the true sense of the word. Especially at the beginning of the intake, fatigue, acne or softer stools may occur due to the detoxification process.
For which diseases are exogenous ketones already being used today?
Science has now shown that ketone bodies trigger many positive processes in the body. This is why they can and are used in many different ways - usually as an adjunct. These include sleep disorders in particular,
obesity, type 2 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, silent inflammation, depression, Alzheimer's disease and certain types of cancer.

How do doctors and alternative practitioners integrate exogenous ketones into treatment?

Healthcare professionals can use exogenous ketones as part of a holistic treatment plan. In many cases, the patient's already weakened body is strengthened in a healthy way. Often, lasting changes in the patient's behavior are also necessary, such as more exercise or a change in diet. Exogenous ketones can provide very good support here.

Do exogenous ketones require a prescription?
No. Exogenous ketones are freely available for sale, as they are not classified as a drug but as a dietary supplement.
As a doctor, pharmacist or alternative practitioner, do I have to have the ketones in stock?
No. Every patient can order the exogenous ketones themselves. You just send the patients a corresponding link.
Not all topics have been answered yet? Do not hesitate to ask!

Three steps to your personal success

Health can also be simple. Your personal success starts with just 3 steps. Individually tailored to your needs.


Find out more about ketones in a comprehensive specialist article.

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